Programmatic Media

Introducing Publya Programmatic Media, an Independent Trading Desk specializing in Programmatic Media. Their expertise in DSP and DMP platforms revolutionizes online media buying for agencies and advertisers, optimizing digital advertising strategies.

When I joined Publya, I noticed the need to enhance their brand presence across social media and advertising channels. Together with the marketing team, we created tailored materials for different market moments, captivating agencies and media outlets.

Our designs showcased Publya's programmatic campaign launch and management services on leading platforms like Google, Facebook, and more. We strategically crafted captivating landing pages, engaging newsletters, impactful advertisements, and informative editorial materials to demonstrate Publya's value.
Inspired by the precision of digital platforms, we adopted a clean and sleek aesthetic, utilizing Publya's distinctive color scheme. Our data-driven approach ensured that our designs not only captured attention but also delivered measurable results.

This project's success is evident in the positive feedback received and its impact on Publya's business growth. If you're seeking innovative solutions to amplify your brand's digital presence, let's collaborate and take your advertising efforts to new heights with Publya Programmatic Media.
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Pedro F. Silvano | Graphic Designer | Web Designer