
Acate is the leading representative of innovative entrepreneurship in Santa Catarina. Their mission is to support the entire local ecosystem, from startups to large companies, by creating connections that strengthen the technology sector in the state. They represent more than 1500 members across 10 innovation and technology centers.

Working closely with the marketing team, I had the opportunity to lead the creation of Acate's quarterly reporting. This one-page web content highlights the remarkable achievements of Santa Catarina's technology ecosystem. With 10 innovation hubs, including the renowned Miditec incubator, and a wide range of events spanning various industries, Acate provides valuable resources and support for its members.

To effectively showcase Acate's accomplishments, we crafted a visually appealing design, incorporating vibrant colors, eye-catching graphics, and responsive CSS elements. The page layout ensures seamless navigation and an engaging user experience. Additionally, we dedicated a section to feature our esteemed sponsor partners, reinforcing their valuable contributions to the ecosystem.
Furthermore, we understand the significance of user feedback in driving continuous improvement. Therefore, we have included an evaluation section at the end of the page, inviting users to share their insights and suggestions. This feedback enables us to refine our offerings and better cater to the needs of our community, fostering growth and innovation in the region.

As a designer, I am proud to have contributed to this project, promoting Acate's brand and the dynamic tech landscape of Santa Catarina. Together, we strive to empower entrepreneurs, drive economic growth, and position the region as a hub for innovation and technology.
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Pedro F. Silvano | Graphic Designer | Web Designer